Tuesday 6 December 2011


We pulled up the last of the beetroot at the weekend, as we thought they were unlikely to grow, and the weather's turning colder. They're all a bit small, so we decided that they'd be best pickled, as accompaniments for salads next year. Accordingly, we boiled them, rubbed off the skins, then bottled with hot spiced vinegar (which immediately turned red!). While we were about it, we've also done a kilo batch of hot pickled onions. We prefer them this way: you pour boiling water on them, peel them, then cook them in spiced vinegar for 7 minutes before bottling while hot. Less crunchy, and very tasty. They'll be ready in a few weeks.

Unfortunately, the weather station's had a blip, and lost the data for the last four weeks, which is a pain. Should be back to normal soon, though. The weather's turning very windy, and cold, which it'll be interesting to record.

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