Sunday 6 October 2013

Constructing the Greenhouse

Our new greenhouse arrived earlier in the week, and we've spent a good part of the weekend putting it together. It took longer than I hoped, actually, but then there were an unbelievable number of parts. Although time-consuming, it's been reasonably straightforward, once we had the hang of how it went together: that knowledge was hard won when it came to glazing, and  the first few panes were literally painful (stiff bar capping, and sore fingers!).

We had it pretty much glazed by the end of a long day on Saturday, and then had the roof vents and door to finish this morning. Then we manoeuvred the staging (21" wide, in a U-shape around the edges) in to place, and hung the shelves (4' long, and cunningly suspended): there's a lot of space, when all that's taken into account: probably the equivalent of twice all our downstairs windowsills. That, obviously, is excellent. The windowsills are now clear (except the tomatoes in the dining room: no point, as they're just finishing ripening), and the small deschampsia, lavenders, and hosta seedlings are all under cover, too, along with the few dozen perennials that arrived as plugs six weeks ago. We potted these up into 3" pots, and they're under cover, too. Although they don't strictly need to be inside, they're small, and we hope they'll grow on better for the extra protection.

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