Before felling (© Ian 2012)
And by Saturday morning, it looked like a timber yard.
And after (© Ian 2012)
We spent most of Saturday and today getting it tidied. The brush wood is now almost all on the existing heap of material for chipping (where the pond, one day, will be), and most of the wood is in four heaps: lots of uncut stuff on the garden drive, and three other heaps where the trees landed.
Poplar isn't fantastic woodfuel, but this is free, so I can't complain. We're seriously looking at getting a biomass boiler, and this would provide some starting firewood. If we don't, it's years' worth of stove fuel!
The three smaller trees were taken down sectionally, but the big two were straight drops (with a guide rope). Watching the biggest come down was quite a sight!
Poplar isn't fantastic woodfuel, but this is free, so I can't complain. We're seriously looking at getting a biomass boiler, and this would provide some starting firewood. If we don't, it's years' worth of stove fuel!
The three smaller trees were taken down sectionally, but the big two were straight drops (with a guide rope). Watching the biggest come down was quite a sight!