We may, just possibly, have gone mad on the plant buying.
How to cram a lot of plants into a Corsa (both © Ian 2016)
We came home with a lot of plants. 92 of them, in fact.
- For the herb garden:
- 2 Germander 'Summer Sunshine
- 3 Black physic root (Veronicastrum)
- 3 Winter savory
- Chilean guava
- 2 Calamint
- Banana mint
- Gold-tipped marjoram
- Creeping white thyme
- Chocolate peppermint
- 4 Oregano 'Country Cream'
- 2 Hedge germander
- 2 Betony
- Meadowsweet
- 3 Ornamental oregano 'Hopley's Variety'
- For the colour wheel:
- Yellows:
- 2 Inula hookeri
- Helenium 'Waltraut'
- Reds:
- 3 Rudbeckia 'Cherokee Sunset'
- 4 Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty'
- 3 Potentilla 'Monsieur Rouillard'
- 3 Coreopsis 'Mercury Rising'
- 3 Campanula punctata 'Alba flora'
- Blues/Purples:
- Campanula rotundifolia 'Harebell'
- 3 Verbena rigida
- Russian sage
- 5 Scabious 'Blue Note'
- 5 Caryopteris 'White Surprise'
- Euphorbium 'Ascot Rainbow'
- Whites:
- 3 Aralia cordata 'Sun King'
- 3 Fatsia japonica 'Spider's Web'
- Lychnis flos-cucula (Ragged Robin) 'White Robin'
- For the long border:
- 4 Scabious 'Barocca'
- 3 Geranium wallichianum 'Havana Blues'
- 3 Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm'
- For the pond garden:
- Gunnera magellanica
- For the quince bed:
- Heuchera 'Cinnabar Silver'
- Heuchera 'Grape Soda'
- Tiarella 'Pink Sky Rocket'
There were also four climbers, to go on some trellising (next to the driveway, and next to the greenhouse): two winter jasmines (Jasminum nudiflorum) and two evergreen clematis (C. armandii and named variety 'Appleblossom').
Some other photos from the show:
An impressive, if expensive, addition to a garden (© Ian 2016)
The plant crèche (© Ian 2016)
Lovely calm planting (© Ian 2016)
Chainsaw carved Gruffalo (© Ian 2016)
Can you spot the red valerian? (© Ian 2016)
Wonderful foliage collection (© Ian 2016)