Sunday, 18 April 2010

Three Completed Raised Beds

We're both rather stiff and sore, but the strawberry and two raspberry beds are now completed, and filled. It's taken about 3-4 cubic metres of topsoil, and they're looking really good. I'm in the middle of building the lower of the two mixed fruit beds: it's going to take a bit longer, as it's complicated by a curved side, and it's also quite a lot bigger.

The raspberries have been replanted, and are looking happy--some of them have a couple of new canes budding. The strawberries are mostly looking well: I reckon we've lost 9 or so of the Cambridge, unfortunately.

Many of the daffodils have come out, and are looking really cheerful: there's a good variety of type. The 'Cheerfulness' in the front aren't out yet, but the pinnochio tulips are looking very pretty. Still a bit short on puschkinia and scilla, and no sign at all of the anemones, which is worrying.

It's been a glorious weekend of sun; really still today, and a little cloudy, but that made it cool enough to work. Yesterday morning was brighter, but actually a bit hot. Long may it last.

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