Saturday 25 June 2011

Out-of-season Loft Insulating

I had some insulation left after packing out the utility room loft (after the frozen pipes at Christmas), so I've put it down in the loft above the main bedroom. It seems as good a place as any, seeing as the guest room and study are less heated, and the bathrooms' loft is pretty full of plumbing. That now means that loft has around 60cm of insulation, which seems plenty.

This was rather a hot day to be doing such things, but I had a couple of hours spare after an administrative day, and one in which we spent a couple of hours playing with the youngest foster-child. We're planning to spend the day looking after him on Wednesday, but wanted to have a preparatory visit (so he gets used to being just with us for less than a day). We're just at the start of a week off, so there was no mad urgency to get things done, which was rather nice!

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