Monday 27 June 2011

Space for More Strawberries

On the hottest day of the year, what do we choose to do, but start clearing the space for the strawberry/rhubarb bed?

Needless to say, we had to take a lot of breaks, and we only did a comparatively short day of work—but it was quite productive. We removed the three bushes in the way, and two 60kg-odd stones that were hidden behind them, and started to level the area. The shrubs are ready to chip, and the stones have been moved out of the way (under an adjacent bush: might move them later, but they're out of the way). We also marked out the bed with the normal sticks and string, and as soon as we have time, we can start knocking in the posts, and building the raised bed. It'll be filled with what's left of our last topsoil delivery, combined with spoil from the pond and compost.

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