Monday 2 July 2012

Well Fed

The increasingly traditional six-monthly house party was at the weekend, and everyone managed to make it this time, apart from David's newly-promoted-from-girlfriend fiancée. It was a lovely weekend, with, as you might expect, plenty of food (including a BBQ lit in the porch), games, a film, and a lot of catching up.

Baking for the weekend (© Ian 2012)

We managed to get outside briefly in the afternoon yesterday, to tidy a few bits up in the garden, too. Our new slug traps (baited with water, sugar, and yeast) appear to be working well, which is good, and things are growing on properly, at long last. The gooseberries are forming well (on half the plants, at least), and there are loads of currants. The rhubarb is settling in nicely, and I even managed to pick a few stems that have broken off. The blueberries aren't as happy this year, though: I think they'd benefit from a good mulching.

We're definitely behind schedule, though, with the cold weather. At almost exactly the same time last year, at the same summer get-together, we were happily harvesting new potatoes, a kilo of strawberries, and several trays of currants. There are no potatoes ready yet, we've had four strawberries, and a handful of currants.

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