With some of the apples, though, we thought we'd make some more sloe chutney. Just a small quantity, as we only made one batch of sloe gin last time, which doesn't equate to much chutney. The sloe gin has been decanted, and is much better than last year. I think it's a combination of harvesting the sloes earlier, and freezing them before making the gin. Which means it's probably time to get out there and collect a pound of sloes for this year's gin.
- 10oz sloes, stoned (8oz)
- 8oz chopped apple
- 8oz soft light brown sugar
- large onion, chopped
- 12fl oz white/distilled vinegar
- 8oz raisins
- ½tsp chilli powder
- ½tsp nutmeg
- 1 tsp ground ginger
- 1 tsp cloves
- ½tsp salt
- 2fl oz orange juice
Chutney's easy: bring that lot gently to the boil, and simmer until it's suitably thick. That quantity only took about 20 minutes.
We also made a batch of pickled damsons, which are better described as spiced damsons (the vinegar disappears, and the spicy fruity sweetness is much the dominant flavour). Recipe to follow...they're very good as a spoonful on top of yoghurt...