Sunday, 27 January 2013

Two In A Row

For the second weekend running, we've managed to spend a day quilting. It's not exactly speedy work, but we're gradually making progress. We have enough pieces assembled, now, to mock up a reasonable extract of the main central section (roughly a quarter).

Quilt mock-up (© Ian 2013)

We're very pleased with how it's looking so far!

Rain and wind over the last couple of days has meant that that snow has almost all melted away, leaving very wet ground, but no more ice. We went up on the hillside, to check how the weighed down weed-proof fabric was doing (that is, whether it showed any signs of blowing away: all fine), and there are a number of little brooks running down the hill. And a spring which wasn't there before.

We've moved enough weighing-down rocks up, and measured and cut more squares of weed-suppressant, so when the ground's drier, we can cut more patches. Of course, we can probably start digging holes, too, on the next suitable weekend: that'll mean we can start actually planting trees.

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