Saturday 14 November 2009

Completing the Fruit Beds

We finally finished cutting the fruit beds today, despite the wind (which wasn't actually too bad) and rain (which was, but only for the last hour). They're looking really promising, and I'm pleased with them: when there's a decent chance, I'll get a photo, to compare with the 'before' picture (which I've not posted; there's only a description of the plan). They got considerably wider as they moved 'up' the garden (really, along), and the soil also changed notably. At the copse end (southern corner), it's much stonier, and there's a shallower depth of good soil atop the clay. We'll need to manure it heavily, I think, but that's work for another weekend.

Before spring, I'll need to get the posts to support the bushes, and the wires, but that, fortunately, doesn't need to be in advance of putting them in, as they'll get cut right down to ground level when planted.

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