Sunday 15 November 2009

Lifting the Gladioli

Having been talking about it for some time, we've now lifted the gladioli. They're actually looking quite good; there's only about five I'd be concerned about. A lot of them still have last year's corm under them (it amuses me to think of un-lifted, naturalized gladioli lifting themselves over many years, on top of succeeding corms), so there's some tidying to be done. Several are splitting nicely, so there'll be even more next year. They're all in the garage at the moment (might need to move them to the workshop for a little extra warmth), and when they've dried I'll tidy them up and put them away for the winter. I'm wondering whether, next year, to cross-pollinate a few, and try to get some seeds.

After last Monday's frost, we went up on the hillside and collected a pound of sloes. I was expecting, based on how many there were in September, to be confronted with a bumper crop, but there were actually surprisingly few (and many split and unhappy ones): probably only about 3-4 lb. I think it's a bit late, really, though I was assiduously waiting for a frost; next year, I might pick them in October, irrespective of frosts. The purists, I know, will object, but better sloes that have been picked early and frozen then no sloes. Sloe gin mixing will begin tonight or tomorrow.

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