Wednesday 4 November 2009

Leaf Mould

I'm not sure whether it says something, but all the way home from work yesterday, I couldn't stop contemplating the leaves piled on the pavements. They'd make such nice leaf mould, if collected up: they were good and wet, and from really varied trees. Shame to think they'll probably just go to waste.

We've started collecting up the leaves from the garden, and bagging them up. It's a job by no means complete (there are loads of leaves, and on windy days I think more get blown up from the woodland in the valley), but it's a start. More effort, no doubt, at the weekend, and in a couple of years we'll have some pleasing compost.

Which leads me to another thought; we've now got two recycled pallets, so I only need one or two more and I can put them together to make a composting bay. Now, finding them (preferably free!) might be trickier, but I'll keep looking... It seems inherently right to reuse something to make the composting bay!

In other news, the cats brought a mole in at some point yesterday (we noticed it working its way round the kitchen at dinner), which leads me to wonder where they found it. Assuming---until evidenced to the contrary---that neither of them has learned to tunnel, I'm puzzled, as there haven't been any molehills in the lawn. Never mind; I'm sure we'll find out soon enough if we have a resident mole population. For now, that particular mole had a narrow escape (he was released, though pointed away from the lawn...).

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